Can The Bowen Technique help me?

Many people find the Bowen Technique helps where other treatments have failed. It aims to balance the whole person, not just treat the symptoms, thereby assisting with recovery from a wide range of conditions. It is estimated that over 80% of people who have Bowen Treatment enjoy a favourable response.

The Bowen Technique is considered suitable for everyone, from new born babies, to the frail and elderly. It can be used for long-standing conditions or in acute situations where other forms of treatment might be avoided. It can also be used during pregnancy.

Health and sports professionals, athletes and dancers use the Bowen Technique to treat muscular, skeletal or nerve imbalance, injury, chronic conditions or acute or chronic pain. It is being used at high level sports clubs in this country including Rugby and Premiership Football Clubs. It is also used in order to prevent injuries.

Beneficial results can often be seen from the first session and the length of treatment is based around each persons individual needs. Initially 3 to 4 treatments, 5 to 10 days apart are generally recommended, however more may be required for long standing complaints.

Many people also choose to continue with occasional treatments throughout the year as a means of stress management, and health maintenance.

Problems that have been reported to respond to Bowen include

  • Muscular and skeletal problems in neck, shoulder, hip, knees, ankle and back, including sciatica
  • Frozen shoulder, tennis and golf elbow, R.S.I. and carpal tunnel
  • Whiplash and sports injuries
  • Problems with posture and body alignment
  • Migraine and recurring headaches
  • Bell’s Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and the difficulties suffered by stroke victims
  • Respiratory, bronchial and related conditions such as hayfever and asthma
  • Digestive problems such as IBS
  • Arthritis
  • Hormonal, pregnancy and fertility problems
  • Stress management, ME, fatigue and sleep problems.
  • Bowen can be of assistance in many cases of emotional stress, where relaxation is a prime factor in easing pain and anxiety. It is also often a great help in improving the quality of life for those who are terminally ill.
  • Because The Bowen Technique balances the whole person, there are many conditions which can be addressed.